Jocari | Bibliographie

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

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« Précédent1234 »

Brætspil og brikker i dansk vikingetid og middelalder, Aarhus, 1990.

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HACKWOOD Fr. W. (1907)

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HALL Mark A. (2001)

"A possible merels board incised on the pre-conquest cross-base at Addingham St Michael’s Church, Cumbria", Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 1 (New Series), 2001, p. 45-51.

HALL Mark A. (2001)

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HALL Mark A. (2005)

"The Whitby Merels Board", Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 77, 2005, p. 25-29.

HALL Mark A. (2007)

"Gaming Piece", COX A. et alii, "Excavations at Horse Cross, Perth", Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal, 13, 2007, p. 112-206, (p. 177-78).

HALL Mark A. (2007)

Playtime in Pictland: The Material Culture of Gaming in Early Medevial Scotland, Published by Rosemarkie Scotland Groam House Museum, 2007.

HALL Mark A. (2009)

"Where the Abbot Carries Dice: Gaming-Board Misericords in Context", dans BLOCK E. C. (eds), Profane Imagery in Marginal Arts of the Middle Ages, Turnhout, 2009 (= Profane Arts of the Middle Ages 1 - Proceedings of the Misericordia International Symposium, Sheffield 2003), p. 63-81.

HALL Mark A. (2011)

"Playtime Everyday: The Material Culture of Medieval Gaming" dans COWAN E. J. & HENDERSON L. (ed.), A History of Everyday Life in Medieval Scotland, 1000 to 1600, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, p. 145-168.

HALL Mark A. (2012)

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HALL M.A. (2019)

"Whose Game is it Anyway? Board and Dice Games as an Example of Cultural Transfer and Hybridity", Archimède. Archéologie et Histoire ancienne, n°6, 2019, p. 199-212 (Dossier thématique 2 : "Jouer dans l'Antiquité : identité et multiculturalité - Games and Play in Antiquity : Identity and Multiculturality").

HALL M. A. (2022)

"Games of Character: The Role of Board, Dice & Card Games in Popular Cinema", Board Game Studies Journal, 16, 2, 2022, p. 17-46. Consultation en ligne >>>


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HALLEMA A. (1930)

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HAMILTON J. (1988)

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HARRIS M.K. (1913)

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HARTWIG P. (1894)

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HAUGEN Odd Einar (1983)

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« Précédent1234 »

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