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Edmond Hoyle, A Short Treatise on the Game of Back-Gammon [1743]

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Titre de l'ouvrage
A Short Treatise on the Game of Back-Gammon. A Table of the thirty-six Chances, with Directions how to find out the Odds of being hit, upon single, or double Dice. Rules whereby a Beginner may, with due Attention to them, attain playing it well. The several Stages for carrying your Men home, in order to lose no Point. How to find out who is forwardest to win a Hit. Cases stated for Back-Games, with Directions how to play for one. Cases stated, how to know when you may have the better of saving a Gammon by running. Variety of Cases of Curiosity and Instruction. The Laws of the Game. By Edmond Hoyle, gent.

[1743], rééd. 1753

Lieu de publication
Dublin. Réédition London, F. Cogan

Edmond Hoyle (1672-1769)

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