Jocari | Détails

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

egypte_c procheorient_c grece_c rome_c moyenage_c vikings_c renaissance_c

la Voluspa, 7-8

7. Hittusk æsir á Iðavelli,
þeir er hörg ok hof hátimbruðu,
afla lögðu, auð smíðuðu,
tangir skópu ok tól görðu.

8. Tefldu í túni, teitir váru,
var þeim vettugis vant ór gulli;
unz þrjár kvámu þursa meyjar
ámátkar mjök ór jötunheimum.

7. At Ithavoll met | the mighty gods,
Shrines and temples | they timbered high;
Forges they set, and | they smithied ore,
Tongs they wrought, | and tools they fashioned.

8. In their dwellings at peace | they played at tables,
Of gold no lack | did the gods then know,--
Till thither came | up giant-maids three,
Huge of might, | out of Jotunheim.

Texte et traduction anglaise :

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