Jocari | Détails

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

egypte_c procheorient_c grece_c rome_c moyenage_c vikings_c renaissance_c

New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Domaine public

ορδι(.)(.)  -  σχοδεγ  -  (ν)χε(h)ι  -  μχ^δο^ευ  -  (ν)χ^ι^αι  -  χδευ  -  χρεριχε

Vers 510-500 avant J.-C.


Groupe de Léagros

Hydrie à figures noires

H 54,1 cm

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Inventaire n° 56.171.29

Beazley J.D., Attic black-figure vase-painters, 1956, 362/30. 
Beazley, John D., Paralipomena: Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters and to Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters [2nd edition], Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971, p. 161.
Brommer F., Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage, 1973, 45.
Carpenter Th. H., Beazley addenda : additional references to ABV, ARV² & Paralipomena, 1989, 96.
Moore Mary B., "Exekias and Telamonian Ajax", American Journal of Archaeology, 84(4), 1980, p. 421 n. 33.
von Bothmer D., "Greek Vases from the Hearst Collection", Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 15(7), 1957, p. 166, 174.
von Bothmer D., Greek Vase Painting: An Introduction, no. 17, , New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972, p. 31, 34, 70.
von Bothmer D., "Greek Vase Painting", Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972, 31(1): no. 13, p. 31, 34, 67.
Woodford S., "Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game on an Olpe in Oxford", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 102 (1982), p. 182, no. C18.


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