Jocari | Bibliographie

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

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Catalogue d'exposition (1992)

Les Vikings… Les Scandinaves et l’Europe 800-1200, Catalogue d’exposition de la 22ème exposition d’art du Conseil de l’Europe au Grand Palais, Association Française d’Action Artistique, 1992.


“Lost Celtic Games”, Renaissance Magazine, 2001.


"Games of the Viking and anglo-Saxon Age," Regia Anglorum, 2002.

BAYLESS M. (2005)

“Alea, Taefl and Related Games: Vocabulary and Context”, dans O'BRIEN O'KEEFFE K. and ORCHARD A. (ed.), Latin Learning and English Lore, vol. 2, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2005, p. 9-27.


"La famille du Hnefatafl. Semblables et différents", Histoire et Images Médiévales, Thématique n°28, 2012, p. 16-24. Consultation en ligne >>>

BROMWICH R. (1978)

Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Welsh Triads, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1978.

BROMWICH R. (2006)

Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Triads of the Island of Britain, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2006.

GANTZ J. (1981)

Early Irish Myths and Sagas, London, Penguin Books, 1981.


Viking Artefacts. A selected Catalogue , London, British Museum Publications Ltd, 1981.


Brætspil og brikker i dansk vikingetid og middelalder, Aarhus, 1990.

HALL Mark A. (2001)

"A double-sided Hnefatafl board from Cathedral Hill, Downpatrick: Time consumed in an early medieval monastic enclosure", Lecale Miscellany – Journal of the Lecale Historical Society, 19, 2001, p. 31-36. Consultation en ligne >>>

HELMFRIED S. (2000, reed. 2005)

Hnefatafl: the Strategic Board-Game of the Vikings, Stockholm, 2000 (reed. 2005). Consultation en ligne >>>

JONES G. & JONES T. (1989)

The Mabinogion, London, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc., Rutland, Vermont, 1989.

JONES G. & JONES T. (1993)

The Mabinogion, London, Orion Publishing Group, 1993

J?RGENSEN M. D. (2006)

Welcome to nefatavl! Consultation en ligne >>>


“Alquerque and Tafl Games”, Indoor Games or How to While Away a Siege, The Compleat Anachronist n°4, 1983, p. 27-31.

KINSELLA T. (1969)

The Tain, Oxford University Press, 1969.

KNUTSON C. (2001)

“The Games of the Vikings”, Renaissance Magazine, 22, 2001, p. 22-23.

MacWHITE E. (1946)
MacWHITE E. (1946)

“Early Irish Board Games”, dans Eigse: A Journal of Irish Studies, V, Dublin, National University of Ireland, 1946, p. 25-35. Consultation en ligne >>>

REES A. & B. (1961)

Celtic Heritage, Thames and Hudson, 1961.

RIDDLER I.D. (2007)

“The Pursuit of Hnefatafl”, FINKEL I. (dir.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective, London, British Museum Press, 2007, p. 256-262.

SANVITO A. (2002)

“Das Rätsel des Kelten-Spiels”, Board Games Studies, 5, 2002, p. 9-24.

SIMPSON W.G. (1972)

“A Gaming-Board of Ballinderry-type from Knockanboy, Derrykeighan, Co. Antrim Ulster”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 35, 1972, p. 63-64.

SODBERG B. (2007)

"Pastimes or serious business? Norwegian graves with gaming objects c. 200-1000 AD", dans HARDH B., JENNBERTH K. & OLAUSON D. (ed.), On the Road: Studies in Honour of Lars Larsson, Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2007, p. 265-69. (Acta Archaeologia Lundensia 26)

STERCKX C. (1970)

“Les jeux de damiers celtiques”, Annales de Bretagne, 77, 1970, p. 599-609.

STERCKX C. (1973)

“Les jeux de damier celtiques”, Études celtiques, 13, 1973, p. 733-749.

STERCKX C. (1973)

“Les trois damiers de Buckquoy (Orcades)”, Annales de Bretagne, 80, 1973, p. 675-689.

WALKER D. (2007)

Reconstructing Hnefatafl. A Series of Four Articles, 2007. Consultation en ligne >>>

WALKER D. (2014)

Reconstructing Hnefatafl, Marston Gate,, 2014.

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