Jocari | Bibliographie

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

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Grecs et Romains | Europe du Nord | Moyen-Âge et Temps Modernes

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Jeux et jouets | Sports | L'enfant et l'éducation | Pédagogie | Symbolisme

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CRANE M. (2006)

Teach Yourself Backgammon, London, 2006 (rééd. 2007).

CRAWFORD S. & SHEPHERD G., ed. (2007)

Children, Childhood and Society, Oxford, ArchaeoPress, 2007 (IAA Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, History and Art, vol. 1).

CRAWFORD S. (1991)

"When do Anglo-Saxon children count ?", Journal of Theoretical Studies, 2, 1991, p. 17-24.

CRAWFORD S. (1999)

Childhood in Anglo-Saxon England, Stroud, Tempus, 1999.

CRAWFORD S. (2000)

"Children, grave goods and social status in Early Anglo-Saxon England", SOFAER DEREVENSKI J. (ed.), Children and Material Culture, London, Routledge, 2000, p. 169-179.

CRAWFORD S. (2009)

"The Archaeology of Play Things: Theorising a Toy Stage in the 'Biography' of Objects", Childhood in the Past, 2, 2009, p. 56-71.

CREGO R. & KAULT D. (2003)

Sport and Games of the 18th and 19th Centuries, U.K., Greenwood Press, 2003.

CRELIER M.-C. (2008)

Kinder in Athen im Gesellschaftlichen Wandel des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.; eine archäologische Annäherung, Remshalden, Greiner, 2008.


"Les tabletiers et les éventaillistes à Paris au XVIIIe siècle avant la Révolution", Le Vieux Papier, 2011 (deuxième édition).


"Les Tabletiers et les éventaillistes à Paris au XVIIIe siècle avant la Révolution (4 parties)", Le Vieux Papier, n° 391, 392, 393 et 394, 2009.


La folie des cartes à jouer, Paris, Flammarion, 2002.

CRIST W., DUNN-VATURI A.-E. & de VOOGT A. J. (2016)

Ancient Egyptians at Play. Board Games Across Borders, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.

Bloomsbury Academic


CRIST W. (2021)

"Debunking the Diffusion of Senet", Board Game Studies Journal, 15, 1, 2021, p. 13-27. Consultation en ligne >>>

CROFT R. A. (1987)

"Graffiti Gaming Boards", Finds Research Group 700-1700 Datasheet 6

CRUMMY P. (2007)

"The gaming board in CF47: the remains as found, possible reconstructions and post-depositional movements", CRUMMY P. et alii, Stanway: An Elite burial site at Camulodunum, London, 2007, p. 352-359 (Britannia Monograph Series, 24)

CULIN S. (1894)

“Mancala, the National Game of Africa”, Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum,  Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1894, p. 597-606.

CULIN S. (1894)

“Value of Games in Ethnology”, Proceedings, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1894, p. 355-358.

CULIN S. (1895)

"Chinese Games with Dice and Dominoes", Annual Report Smithsonian Institution/US National Museum 1893, Washington, 1895, p. 491-537.

CULIN S. (1895)

Korean Games, with Notes on the corresponding Games of China and Japan, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1895 (Rééd. : Games of the Orient, Rutland (Vermont), Charles Tuttle Co., 1958). Rééd. New York, Dover, 1991.

CULIN S. (1898)

"Chess and Playing Cards", Annual Report Smithsonian Institution/US National Museum 1896, Washington, 1898.

CULIN S. (1907)

Games of the North American Indians, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1907, rééd. New York, Dover, 1975, 1986.

CULIN S. (1924)

"The Game of Mah-jong, its origin and signifiance", Brooklyn Museum Quarterly, 1924.


Children and Childhood in Western Society since 1500, London, Longman, 1995.

CUNY J.-M. (1978)

Saint Nicolas, Nancy, Lib. Lorraine, 1978.

CURTIS J. & I. FINKEL I. (1999)

“Game boards and other incised graffiti at Persepolis”, Iran, vol. XXXVII, 1999, p. 45-48, 6 fig., PI. XIV.

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