Jocari | Bibliographie

Jocari (latin iocari s’amuser, iocus jeu)

Site francophone de référence sur les jeux et jouets
des époques antique, médiévale et renaissante,
issu de la recherche scientifique

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FINKEL I. & MACKENZIE C. (dir.) (2004)

Asian Games: The Art of Contest, Catalogue de l'exposition, New York, Asia Society, 2004.

FINKEL I. (1991)

“Babylonian chess? No!”, The Chess Collector, 2/3, 1991, p. 17-18.

FINKEL I. (1992)

“A glimpse of gambling in ancient Babylon”, dans PULLINGER K. (ed.), The Gambling Box, London, 1992, p. 14-17.

FINKEL I. (1992)

“La tablette des règles du jeu royal d'Ur”, dans Jouer dans l'Antiquité, catalogue de l'exposition, Marseille, 1992, p. 154-155.

FINKEL I. (1994)

“Necromancie en Mésopotamie ancienne”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 30, 1994, p. 1-17.

FINKEL I. (1995)

“Board Games and Fortunetelling: a Case from Antiquity”, dans de VOOGT A.J. (ed.), New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives, International Institute for Asian Studies Working Papers, 3, Leiden, 1995, p. 16-32/64-72.

FINKEL I. (1995)

“In Black & White: remarks on the Assur psephomancy ritual”, Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 85, 1995, p. 271-276.

FINKEL I. (1995)

“New Approaches to Board Games Research”, Institute for Asian Studies, n°?, Leiden, 1995.

FINKEL I. (1995)

“Notes on two Tibetan dice games”, dans Board Games Research, 1995, p. 24-47.

FINKEL I. (1995)

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FINKEL I. (1997)

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FINKEL I. (1999)

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FINKEL I. (2004)

"Dice in India and Beyond", dans FINKEL I. & MACKENZIE C. (dir.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest, Catalogue de l'exposition, New York, Asia Society, 2004, p. 39-45.

FINKEL I. (2004)

"Round and Round the Houses: The Game of Pachisi", dans FINKEL I. & MACKENZIE C. (dir.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest, Catalogue de l'exposition, New York, Asia Society, 2004, p. 46-57.

FINKEL I. (2004)

"The World Conqueror Emerges: Backgammon in Persia", dans FINKEL I. & MACKENZIE C. (dir.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest, Catalogue de l'exposition, New York, Asia Society, 2004, p. 88-95.

FINKEL I. (2005)

Games. Discover and Play 5 Famous Ancient Games, London, British Museum, 2005.

FINKEL I. (dir) (2007)

Ancient Board Games in Perspective, London, British Museum Press, 2007.

FINKEL I. (2007)

"On the rules for the Royal Game of Ur", dans FINKEL I. (dir.), Ancient Board Games in Perspective, London, British Museum Press, 2007, p. 16-32.

FINKEL I. (2007)

"Un jeu d’Orient en Occident", dans SCHÄDLER U. (ed.), Jeux de l'Humanité: 5000 ans d'histoire culturelle des jeux de société, Genève, Slatkine, 2007, p. 83-92.


Chess: A Celebration of 2,000 Years, Arcade Publishing, New York, 1989.


Le grand livre des échecs, 2000 ans d’histoire, La Bibliothèque des Arts, 1989.

FINLAY N. (1997)

"Kid Knapping: the missing children in lithic analysis", MOORE J. & SCOTT E. (ed.), Invisible People and Processes: Writting Gender and Childhood into European Archaeology, Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1997.

FINN T. (1975)

Pub Games of England, Queen Anne Press, London, 1975.

FINOLI A. M. (1983)

« Un gioco di società, le roi qui ne ment e le demandes en amour nel Chevalier errant di Tommaso III di Saluzzo », Studi Francesi, 79 (1983), p. 257-264.

FISKE W. (2007)

Chess in Iceland and Icelandic Litterature, Florence, 1905, reed. Kessinger Publishing, 2007.

FITT? M. (1997)

Giochi e giocattoli nell’Antichità, Milano, Leonardo Arte, 1997.

FITT? M. (1998)

Spiele und Spielzeug in der Antike. Unterhaltung und Vergnügen im Altertum (translation from italian by Cornelia Homann), Darmstadt - Stuttgart, Theiss, 1998.


La vie quotidienne au siècle de Périclès, Hachette, Paris, 1959.

F.LANIER Gr. (1968)

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FLAQUER E. (1909)

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FLUCK C. (2013)

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FOISIL M. et alii, ?d. (1989)

Journal de Jean Héroard, médecin de Louis XIII, Paris, Fayard, 1989.

FOLKERTS M. (1989)

"Rithmimachie", dans FOLKERTS M. et alii (ed.), Ma, Zahl und Gewicht: Mathematik als Schlüssel zu Weltverständnis und Weltbeherrschung, Weinheim, VCH, Acta humanoria, 1989, p. 331-344 ( Ausstellungkataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek, n° 60).

FOLKERTS M. (1992)

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FOLKERTS M. (1993)

"Die Rithmachia des Werinher von Tegernsee", dans FOLKERTS M. & HOGENDIJK J. P. (ed.), Vestigia Mathematica: Studies in medievaal and early modern mathematics in honour of H.L.L. Bussard, Amsterdam-Atlanta, 1993, p. 107-42.

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FOOTE P.G. & WILSON D.M. (1980)

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FORBES D. (1860)

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FORRER R. (1937)

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FORSYTH H. & EGAN G. (2005)

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FOSSIER R. (dir.) (1997)

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FOURMENT A. (1987)

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FOURNIER E. (1889)

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FOURNIER F. A. (1982)

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FOURNIER F. A. (1982)

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FRAENKEL A. (1994)

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FRAN?A L. (1998)

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FRANCOIS A. (1974)

Histoire de la carte à jouer, Yvry, Serge Fréal, 1974.

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